Burned Veterans' Discount


We offer help to those who have sacrificed for our country. Our Veterans' Discount Program provides electric bill payment assistance to those who have significantly decreased abilities to regulate their core body temperatures due to severe burns received during combat. 

Qualified electric customers will receive:

  • Up to $94 per month off the electric portion of their CPS Energy bills, from April through October. 

For CPS Energy customers who have served in the armed forces, there is also assistance available through other programs, including:

  • Our electric Affordability Discount Program, which is for November through March billing.
  • Our Affordability Gas Discount Program, which stake.us online casino gamesassists vets with natural gas bills.


  • You may participate in only one electric discount program at a time. 
  • You may participate in the Affordability Gas Discount Program while receiving the burned veteran’s discount.
  • A medical military facility certification is required for eligibility.
  • Medical confirmation will be required every 12 months. 
  • The veterans' discount is only applicable on one CPS Energy account. 
  • The discount applies only to the home where you currently live. 
  • The discount applies even if you are not the customer of record. 
  • The discount may not result in a credit balance (for example: the discount for a $50 bill will be $50). 

Apply for the Veterans’ Discount Program by printing and completing an application. Have your medical facility fax the completed application to (210) 353-3666. Or call (210) 353-4VET (4838) to request an application.