2023 Rate Request Community Input Working Group


Purpose of the 2023 Rate Request Community Input Working Group

The purpose of the Community Input Working Group is to offer feedback to CPS Energy management on specific matters pertaining to the utility’s 2023 rate request through a series of meetings open to the public.  The proposed Board Resolution establishing the Working Group also provides for its natural expiration upon completion of its mission.   


The Board of Trustees will receive a summary of the Working Group’s feedback (survey results) and actions taken by CPS Energy to address the input during rate request discussions.

The Working Group shall provide its input no later than November 2023.

Meeting Schedule & Format

All meetings will be held at CPS Energy's headquarters, 500 McCullough, San Antonio, TX 78215 from 5PM to 7PM.

Meetings will be open to the public, livestreamed, and archived on this website. Meeting materials will also be posted on this website.

The Working Group will meet during the month of October 2023 and will follow the schedule below: 

  • 1st Meeting on October 12th from 5PM - 7PM:  
    CPS Energy staff will provide a historical perspective on previously approved rate increases and the necessity for continued rate support. 

  • 2nd Meeting on October 19th from 5PM - 7PM:   
    CPS Energy staff will provide a briefing on Stake US casinothe utility's recent cost-of-service study and the utility's current revenue requirements. 

  • 3rd Meeting on November 1st from 5PM - 7PM: 
    CPS Energy staff will propose continued rate support, answer questions, and request feedback. 

Sign up for Public Comment

At the conclusion of each meeting, an opportunity for public input will be permitted on items specific to that meeting’s agenda.  Public input is always welcomed and encouraged through existing forums such as monthly Board of Trustees meetings, quarterly Board of Trustees public input sessions, tele-town halls, customer surveys, and the CPS Energy website.  Further, CPS Energy will continue its practice of soliciting public input throughout its rate request process. 

For Public Input email registration, please include the following required* information:

  • First & Last Name *
  • Title & Group/Organization you are representing (if applicable)
  • City & State you reside in *
  • Contact phone number *
  • Email address *

Email to:  [email protected]


The membership will consist of 19 community members identified by the utility who reside within the CPS Energy service territory, are from various customer classes, have familiarity with the operations of the utility and how utility rates are set, and have previously engaged in stake us casino reviewvarious public input processes.